
Overview: Key Issues in Specialty Consultation Telemedicine Services

Often the primary goal for a new telehealth program is the delivery of clinical services. This guide provides general information and guidance regarding issues of importance around patient services. It is not intended to serve as a “step-by-step” guide to service implementation. Every organization’s needs are unique and would require more in-depth discussions with gpTRAC staff to identify a complete implementation plan for your program. You are encouraged to contact staff directly if interested in that service.

While much of the information in this guide applies more specifically to the “traditional” interactive video technology-related services, the information provided is intended to be of general interest and often applicable regardless of the technology or specialty service being considered. Some services (i.e. emergency services) may have issues which require attention in addition to those referenced here.

The most important piece to remember is that this is about patient care and telehealth-related technology is simply another tool to be used to deliver quality services. Adhering to established standards and practices whenever possible is a good framework for service development and sustainability.

It is also important to remember that technologies and services will change over the years. The issues highlighted in this guide should be revisited regularly to maintain a consistent level of service quality and that your patients’ needs continue to be met.