Success Stories
Keeping in Motion with Physical Therapy Rehabilitation and Performance Institute

In the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, we at Rehabilitation & Performance Institute created the #whatyoucan campaign. We want to encourage people to go out and do what they can to help someone in these uncertain times.
Now, more than ever, we must come together as a society and help one another. It does not have to be big, even the smallest gestures can go a long way.
At Rehabilitation & Performance Institute we operate 6 clinics across the Indiana/Kentucky/Illinois Tri-State area including; Owensboro and Hawesville in Kentucky, Newburgh and Mt. Vernon in Indiana, and Albion and (our newest clinic) Effingham in Illinois. We offer Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Individual and Group Performance Training, Nutritional Education, Injury Prevention, and Early Symptom Intervention (providing on-site intervention for employers to keep their employees safe and healthy).
We have currently made the switch to provide all of our various service lines both via Telehealth and in clinic. Due to our clinics being in multiple states we have varying guidelines set forth by each state, so we have worked to ensure that we are complying with each respective state.
In the beginning, we were making daily changes to our plan and process in order to comply with the most updated information regarding billing and reimbursement.
We have built an organization and team that was ready to overcome these changes quickly. The variety of services that we offer has created flexibility, allowing us to adapt to the challenges that COVID-19 has created.
We have an amazing team of people that are ready, willing, and able to do whatever it takes to continue to help make the people in our communities healthier and happier.