The NRTRC has been an invaluable partner to the Washington State Telehealth Collaborative in 2020. In addition to offering support and resources to telehealth practitioners across Washington the NRTRC stepped in and offered their resources to support a state mandated telehealth training for Washington health professionals. While the WA Telehealth Collaborative had the expertise to develop the training content, they did not have the infrastructure to make the training available to health professionals across the state as mandated. When the NRTRC learned of the challenges facing the Collaborative, they generously offered partnership to help create a training that would meet the stipulations outlined in the bill. The Collaborative and NRTRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding clearly outlining the responsibilities of both organizations. The NRTRC and Washington State Telehealth Collaborative plan to continue working together as partners to support telehealth growth and sustainability in Washington and the Northwest into the future.
The Washington State Telehealth Collaborative
University of Washington