FQHC Telehealth Resources
Telehealth Classroom

This Telehealth Classroom training portal has been developed by the federally funded Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC), to assist regional stakeholders, including health systems, health centers, and providers to successfully implement telehealth.
The NETRC team has over a decade of expertise in developing evidence-based training and education resources – from the basics all telehealth programs need, such as technology assessment, reimbursement, and workflows, to customized curricula for specific use cases (e.g. Telehealth for Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Services) and provider groups (e.g. social work, nursing, etc.).
The NETRC works with partners across the northeast and beyond to identify key needs, and develop high quality, open access training resources to help meet those needs.
Current courses relevant to FQHCs:
- Telehealth for Primary Care Toolkit
- Telehealth Basics for Community Health Workers
- NETRC’s eConsult Toolkit