Southwest TRC

Southwest Telehealth Resource Center

Serving Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah

Contact SWTRC

The Southwest Telehealth Resource Center (SWTRC) was created to advance the effective use of telemedicine services throughout the Southwest. Telemedicine has been shown empirically to improve access to quality medical care for many patients living in rural and medically underserved areas.

The SWTRC assists start-up telehealth programs in their development and serves as a resource for existing programs regarding changes in technology and other issues affecting telehealth in the Southwest region.

The SWTRC provides services in each of the following modes: one-to-one, peer-to-peer, and one-to-many. The SWTRC serves hospitals, clinics, public health offices, and private-practice healthcare providers in the broader Southwest region.

Contact Center

Fields marked with an * are required
Is your organization located in a designated rural area?* *
Is your organization an HRSA Grantee (Includes TRCs)?* *
How did you hear about us?* *

The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers Provides Trusted Consultation, Resources & News at No Cost to Help You Plan Your Experience.

Please fill out the contact form to the left with as much detail as possible. This will ensure we are able to provide the best resources to address your questions and or needs.