NCTRC Webinar Series

Providing information on key topics to individuals interested in implementing a telehealth program.

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Program Information

The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers (NCTRC) hosts an educational webinar every 3rd Thursday of the month from 11 AM – 12 PM PT. This series will continue to deliver virtual peer-to-peer webinar learning sessions to support the adoption of telemedicine across the nation.

Associated Fees

There is no cost to register for the NCTRC monthly webinars. All healthcare providers and those interested in learning more about telehealth are encouraged to participate.

Why Should I Attend?

Because of the pandemic, the NCTRC has seen a significant increase in requests for information and resources on telehealth. TRCs will be hosting a different session each month centered on core topics surrounding telehealth. From these sessions, attendees will learn:

  • Basic telehealth knowledge in implementation and best practices.
  • Learn from experienced peers, providing a sound foundation when setting up their own telehealth program.
  • Accessibility to telehealth experts throughout the nation. TRCs will be available throughout pre- and post-sessions to assist with overcoming barriers and issues.

Questions? Please contact

Session Calendar

Below are recordings and presentations of past webinars as well as information on upcoming sessions. All of our past webinars are listed on the NCTRC YouTube Page.

Upcoming Webinars

  • Date
  • Time
  • Topic & Links
  • 04/17/25

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Virtual Nursing: Innovations to Mitigate a Healthcare Workforce Crisis

    *Hosted by SCTRC

Past Webinars

  • Date
  • Time
  • Topic & Links
  • 03/20/25

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Telehealth at Yet Another Crossroads: Analysis of Our Present and Potential Futures

    *Hosted by gpTRAC

  • 02/20/25

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Advancing Telehealth Integration in Patient Care

    *Hosted by TexLa TRC

  • 01/16/25

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Breaking Down Barriers to Telehealth: How the Digital Health Readiness Screener Can Drive Equity and Access

    *Hosted by MATRC

  • 11/14/24

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    CISA Services: Federal Cybersecurity Resources for Telehealth

    *Hosted by NRTRC

  • 10/17/24

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Closer to Home: Improving Specialty Access and Decreasing Hospital Transfers with Inpatient Telehealth Services

    *Hosted by SETRC

  • 09/19/24

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Expanding Rural Access – Key Insights from Implementing Telehealth Access Points Across Oklahoma

    *Hosted by HTRC

  • 08/15/24

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Connecting Closer To Home – Why Broadband and Telehealth Need Each Other

    *Hosted by TTAC

  • 07/18/24

    11 AM to 12 PM PT

    Priority Setting in Digital Health

    *Hosted by PBTRC

  • 06/12/24

    12 to 1 PM PT

    Bridging the Gap: Innovations in Telebehavioral Health Access

    *Hosted by SWTRC

  • 05/16/24

    11 A.M. to 12 P.M. PT

    Virtual Support Systems: The Impact of Telehealth on SUD/OUD Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery

    *Hosted by UMTRC

  • 03/21/24

    11 A.M. to 12 P.M. PT

    Vermont Emergency Telepsychiatry Network: Lessons Learned from 2 years of Progress

    *Hosted by NETRC

  • 02/21/24

    11 A.M. to 12 P.M. PT

    Can You Hear Me? Equitable Access to Telehealth for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind Patients

    *Hosted by MATRC


For state-specific questions and assistance, reach out to your regional telehealth resource center.

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